We affirm, support, and resource out-of-the-box mission ideas to serve Tucson, Arizona.


What if we raised up deeply faithful Christians who were also excellent in their field of work?

What if we could sponsor and invest in their missional work?

What if, as God allows, we had the opportunity to help move their work in a more increasingly missional direction?

Infuse Tucson is a non-profit that partners with local congregations to help train & mentor Christian entrepreneurs with a desire to do the businesses of mission, and not just business as usual.

These are missions that are designed to address social and spiritual needs, and while not being profit-driven, they may aim to achieve financial self-sufficiency.

Empowering Christian Entrepreneurs for Mission-Driven Projects

Are you an entrepreneur with a vision to make a difference in your community? Infuse is here to support you every step of the way. We invite you to journey together in refining your concept in weekly meetings with a cohort of like-minded people.

We seek to help address these needs without undermining the simplicity or role of the local church.

While providing a few key resources and services to churches and people with missional ideas. Our vision is for these people to remain entrusted to their local churches, and the churches would be encouraged to support these people by investing in them in accordance with their particular ecclesiological structure.